Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Shock and Thaw

After finishing my blog entry yesterday, I discovered that my new Tanita Innerscan Scales had arrived. I haven't really weighed myself for ages, because for a long time I managed to comfortably maintain a weight of ten and a half stone. I knew I'd acquired a little bit of excess baggage lately, but I wasn't really prepared for how much. It turns out I now tip the scales at 12 stone. It turns out that I will have to watch what I'm eating after all.

I'm comforting myself that all the other indicators - BMI, body fat etc., were in the "healthy" range, but it means I AM going to have to be careful about what I eat after all. I probably need to lose about a stone to get down to a good fighting weight.

I'll do all my weight measurements etc. properly and under "controlled" conditions when I get a bit more time. You're supposed to not do the measurements too soon after eating or exercise, but also not too soon after waking, so at the moment, I'm not sure when exactly is an appropriate time!

That was the "shock". The "thaw" was the marked improvement in the weather over the last couple of days, which meant my lungs and legs felt a lot looser on the commute to work today. I shouldn't be aiming at getting instant results I suppose, but I was glad that I was turning bigger gears and achieving faster speeds (17-18mph average) today. Hopefully that improvement will continue as I put more work in.

I actually woke up feeling very tired and headachey, and it would have been very simple just to take the easy option and jump in the car, but I toughed it out and got on my bike, and felt much better for it. I haven't really got the luxury of missing out on any possible training time over the next five months.

I was doing a bit more research on Heart Rate Monitors today. At first glance, the addition of a GPS to a heart rate/cadence monitor seemed a bit excessive, but the more I look at the Garmin Edge 705, the more I'm tempted. As well as helping me to plan routes to the Surrey Hills say, or out towards Windsor, which would be along unfamiliar roads - it would also help me accurately measure and track loads of useful training data. There are lots of glowing reviews about and I think it would really fit my needs. Definitely one for the possibles list that one.

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