Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Slight Return

Today's "Not really training" stats: Video Tour of Richmond Park and Sky Positioning Session

Surprisingly, after feeling so miserable and sore last night, I didn't feel too bad at all this morning. The soreness in my quads had gone, and the only pain was a bit of an ache in the side of my left knee. However, I think this is a pedal issue, which I may have gone some way towards solving today....more on that tomorrow I think.

Because of scheduling issues, I haven't had a chance to go to my usual Wednesday morning Yoga class for a while, so although I still felt pretty tired I felt it was important to go today. Not least because it's a good way to get in some core strength work.

In the afternoon, I did a pretty relaxed lap of Richmond Park, and made a little video on the way, which you should be able to see below.

After that, I popped down to Sky, for a bike positioning and maintenace workshop with Ben Wilson from British Cycling.

He seemed to be fairly happy with my position on the bike, only suggesting that maybe I could try moving my seat position backwards slightly. The idea is that this might take a bit of what I feel is the excess pressure going through my hands when I'm riding 'on the hoods'.

1 comment:

  1. You're training like a pro! It sounds very advanced with the positionning and everything. Cool!
