Monday, 18 May 2009

Tale of the tape and the tissue

Sorry there haven't been any updates for a week or so - that's really for two  reasons. Firstly, I had a scheduled complete week off in my training programme, to allow a bit of rest and recovery. Secondly, for the last five days I've had proper, full-on, can't get out of bed, would rather be dead than this - flu.

This wouldn't have been a problem, except that I'm still pretty ill, and I'm almost certainly not going to get any training done this week either. I guess I'm going to have to accept that these things happen, and there's not a lot I can do about it, except rest up properly and try and get completely better this time. The enforced layoff gives me a chance to get some writing done for my Open University Course anyway, so hopefully once I'm fit again I'll be able to concentrate properly on my training.

It's Monday though, so as usual, here are my weight stats for the week:

Weight: 10 stone 13.6 lbs

Body Fat: 17.5%

Visceral Fat Rating: 5

Basal Metabolic Rate: 6963 kcal / 1164 kJ

Muscle Mass: 8 stone 8.4 lbs

Water: 57.2%

The only thing to note there is that despite not doing any training, my stats have stayed pretty much the same this week.
As an extra bonus, I thought I'd include this photo taken at the Hampshire Hilly Hundred last week. There were a couple of others, where I looked only 'mildly' uncomfortable, but I think this is the funniest one. As I could clearly see the photographer, I imagine this is me trying to look fairly relaxed and unflustered - which gives you some indication of the fact that I probably wasn't feeling my best!


  1. What was your time in the race in the end?

  2. Sharad Kulkarni25 May 2009 at 05:31

    Looking quiet Fit!



  3. Hmm, definitely not feeling it! I've lost quite a lot of weight, so maybe there's some superficial effect.

  4. Bleedin' hell't look too hot on that bike there mate. Proper struggling. Oh well, i'm sure you'll be fine going up those huge mountains.

  5. It was proper hot - prob 25/26 I had a temperature and consumptive lungs...I look a state don't I? Good thing is that I still managed to finish it though...hopefully this weekend's one will be a bit better.
