Monday, 30 March 2009

Tale of the tape

No training today - not even my regular commute - as Monday of my work week is an official 'rest day'.

However, Monday is also officially the day I check my weight and body composition stats, so here they are - along with the comparisons to last week.

The notable thing is that, for the first time, they all seem to be going in the right direction. That's obviously what I'd been hoping for, after a full week of focussed training

Weight: 11 stone 9 (down exactly a pound from last week, which is what I'm aiming at)

Body Fat Percentage: 18.4% (down 2.3%)

Visceral Fat Rating: 6 (down 1)

Basal Metabolic Rate: 7271 kJ / 1738 kCal (up from last week - which is good)

Muscle Mass: 8 stone 13 pounds 4 ounces (up almost 3 pounds)

Water: 56.3% (Up 1.3%, again that's good)

That's all really encouraging, because I'd been starting to feel like my training hadn't been having much of an effect on my body composition. Hopefully it reflects the slightly increased rigour (both in physical and scientific terms) of my training.

My only concern is that I will be discouraged next week when I don't get as much of an improvement, because I won't have trained as much. However, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Katy from Face Partnership also sent out a really useful diet/nutrition information pack today. I had already got a fair bit of information from the books and stuff I've been reading - but the information pack but all that and more in an easily digestible (sorry I couldn't resist) format. I think I'm going in pretty much the right direction, but it made clear that because we need to be taking on a lot of carbohydrates, we need to cut out as much fat as can't have both. It also really emphasised eating as much fruit and veg (unprocessed) as possible.

An instant change to my diet will be cutting out nuts - because I hadn't realised they can have a high fat content. I generally take a big bag of raisins and mixed nuts to work with me, because I thought that was a bit more healthy than other snacks. So, it's out with the nuts and in with the rice cakes I think. My sister recently put me onto some Marmite flavoured ones which I really like, so that won't be too much of a hardship.

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